Freitag, 29. Mai 2020

Purple smoothie bowl

Hello everyone! I haven't been posting any recipe in ages, but here's a new one and really hope you'll like it! It's so tasty, it's vegan (of course 😋 ), healthy and full of vitamins and antioxidants!! 
Because I used frozen bananas it has a creamy, smooth texture, the blueberries give it the dark purple colour but also the antioxidants and the seeds with which i topped it give a nice crunchyness but also some healthy fats and proteins.

Bananas contain a big amount of potassium which can help to lower blood pressure and reduce strain on the cardiovascular system! Potassium is a mineral and is has as well several other health benefits, such as maintaining fluid levels in the body and regulating the movement of nutrients and waste products in and out of cells, it helps muscles to contract and nerve cells to respond. One medium sized banana contains 422mg of potassium. But not only potassium is found in bananas, but also a lot of fiber, folate and antioxidants, such as vitamine C. People who follow a high fiber diet have in general a lower risk for cardiovascular diseases and have a lower "bad" cholesterol level (LDL). As well does the fiber help for a good digestive system, one medium sized banana contains about 10% ofa persons daily need of fiber! And a protein which acts as an antioxidat called lectin may help to prevent cancer cells from groing (wow!)

Here are some nutritional facts about bananas:

NutrientAmount in one medium bananaDaily adult requirement
Energy (calories)1051,800–3,000
Carbohydrate in grams (g)27, including 14.4 g of sugar130
Fiber (g)3.125.2–33.6
Protein (g)1.346–56
Magnesium (mg)31.9320–420
Phosphorus (mg)26700
Potassium (mg)4224,700
Selenium in micrograms (mcg)1.955
Choline (mg)11.6425–550
Vitamin C (mg)10.375–90
Folate (mcg DFE)23.6400
Beta carotene (mcg)30.7No data
Alpha carotene (mcg)29.5No data
Alpha and beta carotene, selenium, choline, and vitamin C all have antioxidant properties.

Blueberries are an other great source of health benefits and are many times named a superfood. They're low in calories and high in nutrients, such as vitamine C and K, manganese and of course fiber. One cup of blueberries contain around 4g of fiber, 24% of the recommended daily intake of vit. C, 36% of vit. K and 25% of manganese and since they are 85% (!) water one cup of these yummy little fruits has only 84 calories and 15g carbs. Blueberries are the king of antioxidants and have way more of it than bananas. They contain especially an antioxidant from the group of flavonoids which is probably responsable for the many of its health benefits. 
In our modern life oxidative DNA damage is a real problem and is a reason why we grow older, but it also plays a role in manifesting dangerous diseases! Beacuse of the high amount found in these berries they can help neutralize some of the free radicals that damage your DNA. As well as bananas blueberries help protecting your heart, regulate your blood pressure and the level of the "bad" (LDL) colesterol (a daily intake of 50-gram serving of blueberries lowered LDL oxidation by 27% over eight weeks in obese people. 
 For me personally one other fact is very interesting: Since I work out quite a lot and do of course my daily ballet classes and rehearsals I was pleased to find out that blueberries help preventing muscle damage and muscle fatigue due to their antiinflammatory benefits.

Onthe bottom line both, bananas and blueberries help preventing many diseases such as heart damage, high blood pressure and LDL colesterol, diabetes and may improve your brain memory!

The recipe is very easy and doesn't need a big amount of kitchen tools. I made my smoothie bowl in a small food procesoor, but a blender or a hand mixer will do the same, may need though a bit more of extra liquid to blend everything easily. You can topp your smoothie bowl with whatever you like and have in your kitchen. I used a mix of sunflower and pumkinseeds and bit of a chocolate brownie crumbs (replacing granola).
Best freeze the bananas already slized over night to make sure they're ready to use.

So here comes the ingredient list:

1.5-2 frozen bananas
1/4-1/3 cup bluebrries (i used frozen ones but defrosted them in the fridge over night)
a splash of plant-based milk
seeds, granola, chocolate chips as topping 

Add everything into your food processor or blender until a smooth smoothielike paste is ready, then pour it into a bowl and decorate with your favourite toppings.
And ready is your health benefit-antioxidant-smoothie bowl bomb. 👍😋

Sonntag, 17. Januar 2016

cream of wheat/Griessbrei

Finally!!!! A new recipe!!! Sorry for taking so long...

I redescovered cream of wheat. My mum used to make it when I was I child and I loved it. :) We used to have it cold with raisins and syrop on top. Mmhh.. Yummy :P

The recipe today is for the warm version though, which is espacially tasty on cold winter days.

The ingredients make one big portion or two small ones.


1/2 cup wheat (semolina)
1 cup rice milk (ora any other plant milk)               
1 cup water
coconut sugar


Put the semolina and the liquid into a pot and heat it up while stearing all the time, otherwise it becomes crumbely. When almost all the liquid is absorbed, add the sugar. As soon as it became a porridge kind of cream take it from the flame and serve it.

I didn't write an amount of sugar because this depends on everyone's taste... And of course you can add raisins or any other dried or fresh fruits. I love it with fresh grapes and dates.
Coconut sugar gives it a very special and delicious taste!

Bon appetit!

Ich habe Griessbrei wieder entdeckt! Er erinnert mich so sehr an meien Kindeheit. Damals hatten wir sogenannte "Griessköpfli" (schweizerdeutsch), die man kalt isst und darüber Sirup giesst. Mmhh... Das ist so lecker!

Das heutige Rezept ist jedoch für die warme Variante.

Die Zutaten ergeben eine grosse oder zwei kleinere Portionen.


1/2 Tasse Griess
1 Tasse Reismilch (oder andere pflanzliche Milch)
1 Tasse Wasser


Den Griess, Milch und Wasser in eiener Pfanne unter ständigem Rühren erhitzen. Wenn man nicht umrührt, wird es klumpig! Sobald fast keine Flüssigkeit mehr übrig ist, den Zucker zufügen und alles zu einer breiartigen Creme rühren. Vom Feuer nehme und servieren. Fertig, geht ganz schnell!

Ich habe extra keine Mengenangaben zum Zucker geschrieben, da das Geschmackssache ist... Kokosnusszucker gibt dem Ganzen einen sehr speziellen Geschmack. Natürlich könnt ihr auch Rosinen oder andere Trockenfrüchte oder frische Früchte hinzufügen. Ich mag es sehr mit Trauben und Datteln.

Guten Appetit!

Sonntag, 26. Juli 2015

Guacamole inspired avocado dip

This dip is sooooo yummy in hot summer days! I created it when it was 35+ degrees outside and it was really refreshing. I got inspired because I saw so many recipes for guacamole, so I decided to do something similar... ;)
It's perfect to dip in your veggies or simply spread it on bread...


1 ripe avocado
1 tomato
basil as much as you like 
lemon juice

How to:

Half the avo and take out the stone, then scoop out the flesh and put it into your food processor. Wash tomato and basil, cut the tomato in pieces and add it with the basil and the lemon juice also into the food processor. Blend until it becomes a smooth paste. Maybe you like to add some seasoning, I can recomend italian. Enjoy! 

Dieser Dip ist sooo lecker an heissen Sommertagen! Ich habe ihn gemacht, als es draussen über 35 Grad war und er war wirklich erfrischend. Ich habe mich von einem Guacamole Rezept inspirieren lassen, habe es aber vereinfacht... ;) 
Der Dip passt super zu Gemüse / Salat oder man kann ihn auch einfach auf Brot streichen...


1 reife Avocado
1 Tomate
Basilikum, soviel man mag


Als erstes die Avocado halbieren und den Stein entfernen, dann das Fleisch rauslöffeln und es in den Hacker oder Hochleistungsmixer geben. Nun die Tomate und den Basilikum waschen, die Tomate in Stücke schneiden und beides mit dem Zitronensaft ebenfalls in den Mixer geben. Jetzt alles solange mixen bis eine cremige Paste entstanden ist. Fertig! Eventuell kann man es noch mit Italian Gewürz würzen, macht es noch ein wenig frischer. Guten Appetit! 

Mittwoch, 1. Juli 2015

banana-raspberry-cherry-chia smoohtie

And here an other smoothie recipe... ;)
Of course also very healthy and tasty and also filling due to the chia seeds. Just try it! Chia seeds are a real superfood, full of nutrients which are so good for you, specially if you're vegan!! 


1 banana
1/2 cup raspberries
about 10 cherries
1 tbsp chia seeds
ice cubes

How to:

Peel the banana, wash the berries and cherries and remove the stones from them. Add the fruits into your highspeed blender and blend until smooth. If you like it more liquid just add some water. After you poured it into a bottle or glass, add the chia seeds and some ice cubes (about 4) to keep it cooler. You should leave it for a bit so the chia seeds can fill them selves up with the liquid and swell, otherwise they'll swell later in your stomach and you'll get an unpleasant bloating!
Enjoy! ;)

Und hier kommt noch ein Smoothierezept... ;)
Natürlich so gesund und lecker wie alle anderen und dank den Chiasamen auch sehr nahrhaft. Chiasamen sind ein echter Superfood, eine richte Nährstoffbombe! Sie enthalten so viele Mineralstoffe, Vitamine und gesunde Fettsäuren die alle sehr wichtig für die Gesungheit sind, speziell für Veganer!


1 Banane
ca. 1/2 Tasse Himbeeren
ca. 10 Kirschen
1 EL Chiasamen
etwas Wasser


Schält die Banane, wäscht die Himbeeren und die Kirschen und entsteint diese. Dann gebt ihr alle Früchte in euren Hochleistungsmixer und mixt so lange bis die gewünschte Textur erreicht ist. Wenn ihr es flüssiger mögt, einfach etwas Wasser hinzufügen. Danach den Smoothie in eine Flasche oder ein Glas abfüllen, die Chiasamen und die Eiswürfel (ca. 4, damit er länger kühl bleibt) dazugeben. Ihr solltet es etwas ziehen lassen, damit die Chiasamen quellen können, sonst quellen sie nachher im Magen nach und dann hat man ein unerwünschtes Völlegefühl.
Guten Appetit!

banana-raspberry-blueberry smoothie

Okay, maybe this smoothie is maybe even better then my best smoothie ever one, or at least as good! ;) 
It's so refreshing and nourishing in the same time and the colour... WOW!!
Just try it out and you will understand... ;)


1 banana
about 1/2 cup rasperries 
about 1/4 cup blueberries
ice cubes

How to:

After you peeled the banana and washed the berries, put everything into your highspeed blender and blend it until the texture is smooth, add some water to make it more liquid, but not too much.
Ones it's ready pour it into a bottle (or glass if you drink it right away) and add some ice cubes (I used 4) to keep it cooler for longer.

Also dieses Rezept ist vielleicht noch besser als das meines best smoothie ever oder mindestens so gut! Es ist so erfrischend und gleichzeitig nahrhaft und die Farbe erst... WOW!
Am besten versucht ihr es ganz einfach selber... ;) 


1 Banane
ca. 1/2 Tasse Himbeeren
ca. 1/4 Tasse Blaubeeren


Als erstes die Banane schälen, die Beeren waschen und dann einfach alles in den Hochleistungsmixer geben und so lange mixen bis es schön cremig geworden ist. Etwas Wasser hinzufügen um es etwas flüssiger zu machen. Dann den Smoothie in eine Flasche (oder ein Glas, wenn ihr ihn sofort trinken möchtet) leeren und ein paar Eiswürfel hinzufügen (ich habe 4 genommen) um den Smoothie länger kühl zu halten.
Guten Appetit!

Montag, 8. Juni 2015

best smoothie ever!

I know... It's becoming boring with only recies for smoothies, but this one was just so amazingly delicious that I have to shre it with you!!!


1 frozen banana
1 bectarine or peach
soy milk or other plantbased milk
a few blueberries
date syrop

How to:

Cut banana and nectarine in pieces, put them into your blender add a bit of milk and blend until it's smooth. Then pour it in a glass and top it with a few blueberries and a bit of date syrop.
(Ingredients make one glass.) Enjoy!

Ich weiss, es wird langsam langweilig, nur mit Smoothierezepten... Aber dieser war einfach so unglaublich lecker und erfrischend, dass ich das Rezept unbedingt mit euch teilen muss!


1 gefrorene Banane
1 Nektarine oder Pfirsich
etwas Soja- oder andere pflanzliche Milch
ein paar Blaubeeren
etwas Dattelsirup


Die Banane und die Nektarine in Stücke schneiden, in den Mixer geben, etwas Milch hinzufügen und so lange mixen, bis eine schöne Creme entsteht. Nun das ganze in ein Glas abfüllen und mit Blaubeeren und Dattelsirup dekorieren. (Die Zutaten ergeben eine Portion.) Guten Appetit!

Sonntag, 7. Juni 2015

Banana mango smoothie

An other smoothie recipe...


1 mango
1 banana

How to:

Peel the fruits, cut them into pieces and blend them with your blender. Maybe you can add some water. Ready!


If you don't drink the smoothieright away, but want to take for example to work, after blending simply add some ice, like this it stays nicely cool... Works for all smoothie recipes!

Ein weiteres Smootierezept...


1 Mango
1 Banane


Die Früchte schälen, in Stücke schneiden und im Mixer mixen. Eventuell etwas Wasser zufügen. Fertig! 


Wenn der Smoothie nicht sofort getrunken wird und man ihn z. B. zur Arbeit mitnehmen will, nach dem Mixen einfach etwas Eis  hinzufügen, so bleibt er schön kühl... Gilt für alle Smoothirezepte!